A bottle of white wine and a wine glass sitting next to an orange patterned notebook with a lavender pen on a wooden table

Frequently Asked Questions

Find out more about Drink Law’s clients, scope of work and how to request a consultation.

  • I am very proud of my client roster, which includes well-known companies that everyone has heard of and new businesses that you’ll be hearing about soon. Even so, I don’t list my clients to preserve confidentiality. This enables me to ask anonymous questions of regulatory agencies without the agency tying the inquiry back to any specific client.

  • 100%. Getting a specialist involved early prevents problems and blockers. If you want to get the deal done and have a smooth post-close transition, don’t wait until close to deal with alcohol law details. 

  • No. I act as specialty alcohol beverage counsel, working alongside and in support of your lead counsel.

  • It depends. Outreach from a state is usually backed by solid evidence of a misstep, so should trigger immediate review of your systems to see what might need to be fixed to prevent a reoccurrence. If you have a complicated problem to solve, or if you are confused about the requirements to achieve compliance, I can help you navigate.

  • No. I advise on strategy and can help you decide what licenses are needed for your business objectives, but I don’t fill out applications or complete your monthly compliance filings. I can refer you to someone who can help with applications as needed and can help you structure your compliance systems.

  • Yes.

  • No.

  • No.

Need help navigating alcohol beverage law?

Let’s protect & minimize risk in your business with practical strategies and smart legal advice.